Marketing Resources For Manufacturers

My Career at Intergage

Written by Intergage Marketing Engineers | 08 Feb 2019


If you are reading this blog the chances are that you are a current or prospective client - or perhaps someone who is hoping to work for Intergage in the future.

Either way, I hope that what I am about to write will be of value to you when deciding on where to place your business or indeed your personal career path.

As someone who has worked for Intergage for almost 13 years, I believe that I am well placed to share my thoughts on this outstanding company.

Sadly today marks the date that I have had to do something I never in a million years thought I would - which is to hand in my notice due to ongoing health issues (more on that later!)

In 2006 I joined Intergage as a customer services executive. I had basic knowledge of Adwords but knew very little about search optimisation, analytics or the complex yet addictive world of “user experience.”

Keira and Ben - 2006

What followed was an exciting, fast paced, eye opening and thrilling journey into the world of digital marketing. And here’s the important part - it was with the support, encouragement and recognition of a wonderful management team who were behind me every step of the way.

Having worked in previous agencies I was well aware of how hard it is to discover one that is prepared to train and invest in new staff. At Intergage, I was supported from day one and given all the training I needed to bring my knowledge up to the required standard. What’s more, I very quickly came to realise that this was a company that genuinely cared about its employees! They actually cared! Cared whether you were happy and fulfilled in your current role, cared whether you thought your individual voice was being heard between departments, cared whether you felt valued and so on.

Keira with Paul, Ben, Jo and Harry - 2010

It must be hard for a Managing Director to find time to get to know all the staff in a company - I mean, REALLY get to know them. What they like, what they dislike, what scares them etc.. But Paul Tansey (MD at Intergage) did just that with me. Even though he had a busy business to run, he took the time to understand my world and supported me with such belief that in space of 3 years I had gone from a customer services executive to a digital marketing manager with my own team, revenue stream and freedom to make a mark with my career.

For that I will forever be grateful to you Paul.

Keira - 2012

Unfortunately, in May 2015 I woke up one morning to discover that my legs no longer worked as they should. What quickly followed was a nightmare of MRIs, lumber punctures and a lot of time alone in a hospital bed as I waited to find out what on earth was happening.

The diagnosis was transverse myelitis with an 80% chance of conversion to multiple sclerosis in 5 years. Wow. Pretty hard to compute with a full time job, 2 young children and a happy active life.

Luckily I didn’t need to make that sad phone call to tell work I may be off sick for a while (!) because several of the directors including Paul Tansey were there at hospital with me the day I received that diagnosis. When I speak to them about that day - and the incredible support that I received from everyone at Intergage in the months that followed - I always get the same answer. That is - “We always look after our own.”

And indeed they do. So if you are reading this with an interest in Intergage as either a prospective employer or digital marketing partner - take it from someone who knows - you won’t find a better company than this.

Keira - 2016

In a world where loyalty, honesty and a genuine commitment to do just what you say are sometimes hard to find, I can honestly say that I found all this and more at Intergage - my work family.

Good bye guys - it’s been a hell of a ride!