Marketing Resources For Manufacturers

Our View on Digital Marketing News - Nov 2016

Written by Roan Fair | 07 Nov 2016

Staying up to date with the comings and goings in the world of digital marketing is a full time job in itself. Let us take the leg-work out of it by bringing you the latest trends, updates and happenings.

Our latest digital marketing news shines the spotlight on Google’s Mobile-First index, YouTube Shopping Ads and the importance of ‘local’.

Google begins mobile-first indexing, using mobile content for all search rankings

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Why it’s important

With an ever-evolving digital landscape, this is one giant step into the future. Google sees more mobile searches than desktop searches – so it is changing the way it indexes websites.

Google will index mobile content first and use this to decide how it ranks its results. There will no longer be mobile-friendly adjustment for mobile users.

If you’re not mobile-friendly this WILL have an impact on how you appear for desktop results.

How we need to evolve

If our client has a responsive site or a dynamic serving site ( where the content is the same across mobile and desktop they shouldn’t have to change anything.

But if their site serves different content to mobile users vs desktop users this now needs to be consolidated across the sites. Furthermore if you have validated only your desktop site in Google Search Console, you should also be submitting your mobile version.

Mobile-friendly sites – even if just responsive – will begin to climb the ranks over their non-responsive, fixed width competitors.

Carousels of Google Shopping ads spotted on YouTube

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Why It’s Important

Traditionally the Search Partners network has performed terribly when compared with Google search (which is very much need and demand driven). But adding Shopping ads to YouTube videos may prove a game changer in terms of getting your products in front of interested parties.

With most people having access to a decent video recorder in the phone, the growth in ‘vlogging’ has been explosive. Many YouTubers undertake product showing your product to them when they’re most ready to buy is invaluable.

How We Need To Evolve

AdWords is a fantastic tool and allows marketers to control exactly what they advertise, when they advertise it and how much they spend. By selecting the Search Partners network in the campaign settings you will be able to see how well this segment performs for you.

ABT – Always Be Testing.

Why ‘local’ matters, even for national advertisers

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Why It’s Important

There’s been a lot of talk recently about personalisation as Google, Facebook and others continue to roll out new targeting features.

Features such as Customer Match and Custom Audiences allow advertisers to target consumers based on captured data. These targeting capabilities have been incredible at driving improved return on investment.

How We Need To Evolve

With new and ever-changing landscapes in search you can be smarter and change the way you do things.

By using audience targeting and personalisation in search you can drive higher ROIs.

Challenge the status-quo – just because something has always been done like it, ask why!

John Lewis combines TV ad with Snapchat lens and email

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Why It’s Important

The John Lewis ad marks the start of Christmas #official #Xmas2016

Its inclusion of a Snapchat campaign will bring the app into the mainstream for mothers and 30-somethings. They will be more likely to download it and try it out. What’s more – the John Lewis Snapchat lens is now available only while you’re in a John Lewis store (increasing footfall to its shops).

How We Need To Evolve

With more and more apps coming to market, expect to see more of this type of marketing. So get stuck in and seize the cool opportunities it offers.

Also, the Christmas countdown is in full swing – time to stock up on mince pies and mulled wine! #sozzled

To discuss more about all things digital - why not attend the next Marketing Leaders Lunch.