Marketing Resources For Manufacturers

The Joy of a Single Campaign View

Written by Intergage Marketing Engineers | 04 May 2017
3 min read time

Most Marketers use several pieces of software to manage their marketing activities.

But which ones would you choose?

This infographic from last year shows the current software applications available to marketers:

There are 3,874 logos in there (count ‘em!) and that is an increase of 87% since 2015.

That is a bewildering amount of software.

Even if you only choose half a dozen of the best of them, that is still six different applications that you have to learn, use and extract results out of to manage and monitor your marketing campaigns.

So, keeping tabs on how your campaigns are performing against your marketing or business goals is a bit like herding cats, because all the data is held separately in these different apps.

But what if you could manage that whole campaign and see the results in one place?

Well, the good news is, you can.

Campaigns in HubSpot – Starting With Your Goals

Any campaigns that we put together as Marketers should be in line with our Marketing goals, which in turn should be based on our business goals.

What is the business trying to achieve, 20% growth this year? OK, so what does that mean for Marketing – we need to generate more leads and sales.

If the business converted 200 marketing qualified leads (MQL) last year into 60 sales, lets aim for 240 MQL this year. Why not set a six month campaign to hit 120 leads?

You would, in all likelihood, break this down further by personas and product campaigns.

The important thing is that your goals should be SMART:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely

Typically, you would set your goal in terms of:

  1. Visits – to the website (and blog).
  2. Contacts – the number of new visitors that have crossed the anonymity threshold.
  3. Customers – the number of contacts that have been converted into customers.

And you would do this within a given time frame:

And because HubSpot understands the importance of applying your personas to all your marketing it allows you to do this too:

Now from one place you can see how your campaign is progressing.

In God We Trust, All Others Must Bring Data

You can see the top of funnel (awareness stage) activity. Is anyone finding you by organic search using the keywords that you have assigned to this campaign?

How about the landing pages that you have set up to nudge your site visitors towards crossing that anonymity threshold to become contacts?

What about the blogs that you are writing around the subject? What kind of traction are they gaining?

Have you put emails together and promoted your campaign via social media?

Wouldn’t it be great to see all of this on one page?

Here it is:

As you can see, you even create a tracking URL for your paid search so that you can see what traffic that brings in too.

And if you have email nurturing sequences for leads that are not yet ready to commit, then you can make those a part of your campaign to see if the nurturing produces any more leads:

We’ve never seen a better interface for managing campaigns, and it is changing the way that we work (and the way we want to work with our customers).