Your Bespoke Solution

Let's not over analyse

We understand that you might be in a position where you don’t need a full review of your digital marketing. Perhaps you just want to know how to improve your digital advertising returns or boost conversion rates with a UX review.

Your business is different to any other so you should be able to create a solution that fits your specific objectives.

That’s why we’ve created a series of independent packages so you can pick and choose what you need help with, without needing to commit to a full marketing opportunity analysis.


SEO Package: £997

This package is great for those who want to boost search engine visibility and improve general online presence. It will look at everything from how visible your site is right now to how your audience finds you in search engines. You’ll receive information on:

  • Where you’re losing first page positions and who you’re losing them to.
  • Your branded Vs. non-branded search terms and what this means for your SEO.
  • Which pages your audience are finding in search engines.
  • Your online market share against your specified competitors.
  • Where there are opportunities to boost search engine rankings and the ROI you can expect to receive.
  • A full list of recommendations.

User Experience Package: £997

You may have the best paid search campaigns, brilliant SEO and great brand awareness, but if your website’s user experience isn’t up to scratch, you can’t expect great results.

Great user experience can be the difference between desperately trying to meet your sales quota each month or being able to pick and choose between the leads you close. Just increasing your website’s conversion rate by 5-10% could have a significant impact – that’s why we offer this package! It includes:

  • A review of your desktop vs. mobile usage and conversion rates.
  • The behaviour flow through your website and where users may be getting ‘stuck’.
  • An analysis of the content your users see including messaging and site structure.
  • A review of the split between new and returning visitors and what this means.
  • Information on how to tweak the structure of your site for best results.
  • A full list of recommendations from findings.

Advertising Package: £997

It’s common to get stuck in a rut when you’ve been running Google Ads for a long time. Having an outside-in perspective can really help freshen things up and inject some new ideas. With this package, we focus on improving your ROI from paid search while also looking at opportunities to try new approaches and save budget where possible. You’ll get:

  • A breakdown of the level and quality of traffic you’re driving through Google Ads.
  • A review of your sponsored keywords and where budget may be being wasted.
  • Suggestions on how to structure your Google Ads campaigns for best results.
  • Information on how you should schedule your adverts to boost conversion rates and improve ROI.
  • A review of your advert and landing page quality and where improvements can be made to improve click through and conversion rates.
  • A full list of recommendations.

Technical Package: £997

Your designated marketing engineer will take a look under the hood of your website to reveal what may be hindering things like your website speed, usability, and search engine visibility. These are often issues you can’t see on the surface so we use smart tools to identify what might be lingering beneath your website’s bonnet. You’ll get a breakdown of:

  • Your website’s overall health.
  • A traffic-light system of issues on your site from changes that need to be made immediately to longer-term changes.
  • Issues with your core web vitals.
  • Website speed.
  • Any issues you can’t see that might be hindering your search engine visibility.
  • A full list of recommendations.

Analytics Package: £997

Google Analytics is one of the most important and powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal. It provides a window into your website’s traffic so you can make data-led decisions – but are you taking full advantage of it?

This package will review the setup of your Google Analytics account and will review top level stats on where your traffic comes from, the quality of traffic you are generating and where the opportunities lie for growth. You can expect to receive:

  • A review of your Google Analytics set up including the setup of goals and filters.
  • A top-level view of your traffic over the last two years and any patterns present.
  • Information on where your traffic comes from and the quality of traffic you are generating.
  • A review of the causes of any spikes or drops in traffic and what this means for your business.
  • A review of each traffic channel including quality of traffic and where improvements can be made.
  • A full list of recommendations.

Full Competitive Landscape: £997

You may well have already had one of our free digital marketing competitive reports. However, this package takes a much deeper dive into your competition. Looking at everything from the keywords they rank for to the websites they are competing with. It will include:

  • Where your competitors’ traffic comes from geographically and by channel.
  • What share of the voice they have online and where this sits against your own.
  • A review of their organic position distribution, allowing you to see where they sit in search engines for all of their organic keywords.
  • Information on where they are losing search engine positions.
  • Suggestions on other businesses you may not be aware of but you should consider as competition.
  • A full list of recommendations.

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